Monday, November 16, 2015

The Fountain of Youth?

So something interesting and flattering and humbling happened to me in yoga class today.... or technically, right before yoga class.

One of the ladies who previously I had labelled  a pushy yoga lady (see Cutthroat Yoga) was standing next to me as we removed our shoes to get ready for class. We pretty much interact on a friendly smile-when-we-catch-each-other's-eye basis, but that's it. I didn't even know her name until today, even though we've been in the same class for years. Anyway, she approached me and said that she's been noticing me in class for a long time, and I seem to look younger to her all the time - how do I do it? I was flabbergasted!

First of all, I've been feeling my age recently. Injuries that don't heal anywhere near as quickly as they used to (hello, torn meniscus from 3 months ago and touchy hip muscle that I pulled years ago). I used to love my youthful freckles, but they have faded with the years and been replaced with lentigo, otherwise known as age spots (I get rid of them with chemical peels, but I feel like they're always lurking, waiting to come back). I stopped pulling out my white hairs a few years ago and promptly grew a white stripe down the right side of my hairstyle... unfortunately, the white hair is no longer confining itself to the stripe but seems to be spreading, fighting for dominion of my scalp with my intrepid colorist.

Second of all, how flattering! Aging in reverse? I'll take it!

Third of all, I felt bad for judging her as a pushy yoga lady all these years. She was so sweet! Although, to be fair, perhaps I am a pushy yoga lady, too. Or at least an uptight yoga lady (I am rather enamored of "my" spot and get POd if someone takes it). And I like to think I can still be sweet.

So I tried to think of an answer... the first thing that popped out of my mouth was, "sunscreen." And that probably has a lot to do with it. But here, in no particular order, are the things that may be helping me reverse-age.

1. Sunscreen. Luckily, I've been wearing it religiously since adolescence. I have no choice in the matter - I am the ultimate pale white girl who burned a million times in her youth.

2. No kids. Ergo, much lower day-to-day stress level than many of my peers.

3. Good genes. My mom, despite going white prematurely, still looks far younger than her years.

4. Yoga. I'm convinced it is a fountain of youth.

5. The yoga lady needs glasses. Entirely within the realm of possibility.

6. The real answer: my career change 4 years ago. How can I look younger now than I did 4 years ago? Simple. Four years ago, I was stressed, sleep-deprived, and miserable. Changing careers was not easy, but I now sleep in my own bed every night, I have time to go to yoga on a regular basis (see #4), and I no longer lie awake wondering who is going to sue me and when. I think that I am WAY more relaxed than I was 4 years ago, and I'm sure the other human that shares my household would agree. The felines would probably agree, too, plus I work from home so I get to indulge in cat-petting therapy as needed. That surely can't hurt.

So the secret to aging in reverse? Enjoy your life. Be happy in your choice of work. Stop doing the things that make you miserable. And wear sunscreen.

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