Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sweet (or sour?) Solutide

When did I become pathetic?

I used to be such a great single person. I figured, if I was stuck being single for the vast majority of my life, I might as well have a good time. I didn't have my first serious relationship until I was 24, and I didn't meet my now-husband until I was 34. I had no problem going to the movies by myself, eating by myself, living by myself -- in fact, I LOVED living by myself. I went to dance classes by myself, coffee shops by myself (with a good book, naturally), and traveled all over Europe by myself.

I was such a good single person, that it was quite difficult to adapt to relationships. I was used to doing things my way, on my terms, on my time. Particularly when I had huge demands on my time during medical school and residency, the way in which I spent my limited time off took on huge importance. Coincidentally (or not), this time spent in higher-higher education coincided with that 10-year period from first boyfriend to husband.

Yes, then I met my husband. And then we moved in together. And then we got married. And somewhere along the way, I kind of got used to the guy.

The first time he went away on a 10-day business trip, I had a hard time falling asleep without him there. What? When did I become THAT pathetic person? What happened to my independence? To my great-single-person-ness? On the other hand, once I did fall asleep, there was no-one snoring or lighting up their godawful-bright iPad screen beside me (screens have since been banned from the bedroom, but there's not much I can do about the snoring). But still, it was hard falling asleep without that familiar presence next to me.

I have since gotten over that. I fall asleep (and have great quality of sleep!) just fine when he goes on these yearly trips, yet I am still excited for him to return. Huh. I must actually have learned how to adapt to another person in my life.

That great single person is still in there... I do love watching Masterpiece without snarky comments coming from the peanut gallery....  and I do enjoy a few days to myself, without having to accommodate anyone else's schedule. But a few days are enough. I'm ready for my partner back. If only to help me with the cat's medicine...  Just kidding about that last part. Mostly. Cats are hard to wrangle by oneself, you know.

But seriously. Welcome home, sweetie! I missed you! And now that I've learned to live with you, it's hard to live without you.